Resilience is fertile

Hope in Action

We are Brokers of Hope

Permaculture Now is the bridge to solutions – we work with a deep bench of design professionals whose expertise spans everything from earthworks, profitable regenerative agriculture, edible landscaping, agroforestry, passive and active solar design, water systems, all the way to small-scale kitchen gardens.  We have decades of international experience on projects large and small.

The core of permaculture is ethics – how do we by design care for the planet, for people, and generate a surplus to share?  From that foundation permaculture radiates solutions based on a list of sound principles that guide our design work.

We look forward to learning more about your project.  Schedule a phone meeting today!

Book an Appointment

Let’s get planning and planting!

Consulting + Design


Our clients are diverse. We work with everyone from a small backyard in an urban setting to give them an edible landscape where they can grow some vegetables and a couple fruit trees, and maybe have three chickens, all the way to, 1000-acre agroforestry projects in Central America.

Public Speaking


Getting an audience is a privilege. Being able to stand up in front of an audience and share a message of hope is a privilege. And we really enjoy doing it! We’ve spoken at green conferences, permaculture conferences, art conferences, Rotary Clubs, and more.

About permaculture courses

Permaculture Courses


Permaculture teachers are bound by the international standard curriculum, which holds the test of time. We really enjoy teaching permaculture, for us, it’s not enough anymore to just teach that curriculum, climate change must be taken into consideration.

permaculture now jenny pell
permacuture now jenny pell course
Jenny Pell roots
Pacific Ocean Sunset

Cada Gota En El Mar Cuenta

Every Drop In The Sea Counts

Permaculture is a design methodology for humans that integrates diverse elements big and small so we can live large on a small footprint. The goals are abundance and resilience, and every action counts!  The metaphor holds – by filling our personal wellspring with hope, inspiration and knowledge we are empowered to start making essential changes.


This last year we launched a COVID19 response project with a local nonprofit, Food Security Hawaii, called Ohana Gardens. Ohana in Hawaiian is a beautiful word that both means your immediate family, your neighborhood family, and it can be your island family. In your ohana, you care for each other, and you take action together to do things that care for each other.

We had been anticipating COVID exploding across the globe. We were watching the examples across Europe and we knew it was headed towards the United States.

Ohana Gardens

We say very transparently that our climate-ometer is pegged, the climate shift is on, everything we do now has to be thought through from the lens of climate change.

Small everyday actions all add up, like drops collecting in a bucket that eventually overflows.

We have to learn from Indigenous cultures. We have to be humble, sit at the feet of the masters to learn. We must have respect and reverence for that.

Featured Events

Sep 1st 2021

Maui Permaculture Course

This two-month course is for people who live on Maui. Our classes tend to be at least 50% hands on, because you can talk about it all you want but until you have actually done it, you won’t be confident to go replicate it yourself.

Hops 'N Crops

Details Coming Soon

Hops ‘N Crops

We are hosting a pizza party for Maui farmers to celebrate the launch of After working all over the world, planting thousands and thousands of trees, Jenny Pell’s work found it’s forever home at Stay tuned for more details!