Drops Fill Buckets
Permaculture is a design methodology for humans that integrates diverse elements big and small so we can live large on a small footprint. The goals are abundance and resilience, and every action counts! The metaphor holds – by filling our personal wellspring with hope, inspiration and knowledge we are empowered to start making essential changes.
Designing for abundance requires understanding where to channel the eventual overflow – an important and new way to look at the challenge-solution equation we face. But first we have to fill our buckets.
“What’s Your Drop?”
We want to help people understand that their everyday actions are drops, other people seeing their actions, no matter how small, actually have a significant lineage from there. It’s like a ripple in the water that you drop a little pebble and you see these little ripples go out. Those ripples have an effect.
Drops fill buckets is about what are the everyday things you’re doing that are going to do something as simple as save you money, stop you from polluting, stop you from driving so much, maybe make you eat something more nutritious than big corporation processed food and start supporting a local farmer.
Your new habits and expertise become the source of inspiration for others. Post your everyday actions on our social media sites and get in the flow!
Sign up for the Permaculture Now Newsletter and Blog to stay connected, and get social with our various media offerings where we showcase solutions from around the world.

Consulting + Design
Our clients are diverse. We work with everyone from a small backyard in an urban setting to give them an edible landscape where they can grow some vegetables and a couple fruit trees, and maybe have three chickens, all the way to, 1000-acre agroforestry projects in Central America.

Public Speaking
Getting an audience is a privilege. Being able to stand up in front of an audience and share a message of hope is a privilege. And we really enjoy doing it! We’ve spoken at green conferences, permaculture conferences, art conferences, Rotary Clubs, and more.

Permaculture Courses
Permaculture teachers are bound by the international standard curriculum, which holds the test of time. We really enjoy teaching permaculture, for us, it’s not enough anymore to just teach that curriculum, climate change must be taken into consideration.